Heather Quiroz
Founder of First-Century Youth Ministry
Discipleship just isn’t working….
That’s what I kept hearing from youth pastor after youth pastor as I was connecting with other youth workers from around the country.
“We’re doing discipleship all wrong.”
“Discipleship just isn’t working.”
“Kids aren’t growing as disciples.”
I could relate.
This sent me on a quest back to a life-changing experience I had in the land of Israel where I spent nearly a month walking the land as if I was a first-century disciple following a rabbi.
Through this discipleship experience my life was radically changed.
The discontentment in the youth ministry community about discipleship got me thinking that maybe, just maybe, the key to unlocking what discipleship can and should look like is found by looking back into the Jewish roots of our faith in Messiah Jesus.
That is when First-Century Youth Ministry was born.
I published the book First-Century Youth Ministry in 2020, and in 2021 I sensed a need to turn the book into into a ministry. To inspire youth pastors and leaders to become grounded in the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. To have a deeper love for the whole Bible. Which in turn, I believe will help solve the discipleship problem in youth ministry. As we take a look back into the Jewish roots of our faith in Jesus, for the way forward in youth ministry discipleship.
We are not a business, we are a ministry and so every time you sign up for a cohort, buy a shirt, or purchase curriculum in our store, etc. we cycle that money back into the ministry to create more opportunities for youth leaders around the country to become grounded in the first-century context of Jesus.
Heather Quiroz, founder of First-Century Youth Ministry
Our Beliefs
1. We believe that God is the creator and sustainer of the world. There is none like him. He has always been and always will be. He is the only true God.
2. We believe that Jesus is God’s son. Born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, died for humanities sins, rose on the third day and now sits at the right hand of the throne of God in Heaven. He is coming back a second time to the earth. Come Lord Jesus.
3. We believe that in order to be saved from sin, all people must place their allegiance to the Lordship Jesus Christ and repent of their sin for salvation.
4. We believe that all of Scripture is inspired by God, inerrant in its original manuscripts. We teach that the Old Testament is vital in understanding the teaching and words of Jesus. We cannot separate ourselves from the Old Covenant if we are going to understand the New Covenant.
5. We believe that all Christians have been called by God to bring forth the kingdom of heaven. All Christians are to love and care for all of mankind, and make themselves available to do the work of making disciples all across the world.